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Join us at any time - we are kids creative home away from home!
Being creative means you’re thinking! Art projects make children form decisions and learn how to make choices. Creating art is a natural way to develop critical thinking, ask question and search for inspirations. It teaches children to think outside the box, speak your voice and color outside the lines.
For new students we offer to try two types of lessons at the price of one! Choose from in-person After-school or Homeschooling groups. When register use coupon code welcomefb to receive welcoming two classes at 50% off.
During our in-person classes we work on open projects vs. a specific theme. Therefore we let children lead while helping, teaching and guiding them throughout their art projects. Typically projects take a couple classes. This way our student work on something that is important to them and move at their own pace. Instructors are always there to give students tips, help them progress with their skills and achieve results that they have envisioned.